What happened? These are not elderly people either. Most are in their 40s and 50s. They are all pioneers, elders, one is a missionary and one just got the boot at Bethel after 25 years.
What happened?? ? I'll tell you what happened. These folks had their hearts set living forever and on never growing old. Outwardly and publicly they are saying that they'll never grow old and die before the "end of this system of things" but inwardly on some level, they are utterly disappointed and realize that it's going to happen.
Not that it isn't smart to eat healthy but I think JW's in particular are desperate to make their magical hope of living forever, reconcile with the reality they see all around, that they are indeed growing old and die. They've been putting off having come to terms with their own mortality (arrested development) and have been using religion to anesthetize themselves from this fact. Many non JW's are careful about their health as well but it's because they KNOW that they are not going to live forever and they want to extend their lives as long as possible.